Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Design Ideas...where do they come from?

When I first joined SL, i wanted skins but couldn't afford them. So I decided that i was going to design skins and eventually become a skin designer. The skins took forever and i wore really bad versions *shutters at the memories*
While waiting for my skins, i also wanted clothes. So i threw together outfits that i always wanted to wear in RL but couldn't. Anyways, people always commented about how they loved my clothes. When they found out that i designed them, the wanted to buy them off me, or asked me to design clothes for them. I took on way too many projects and really couldn't get to my original skins. Then the idea occured to me that i should become a clothing desinger since they were so well received. Besides, owning a store is great because i can direct people to a place instead of taking on specialty projects. Where do my ideas come from? RL inspired. So there ya go. Hehehe :op

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